07 Aug

How AI Can Help Create a More Sustainable Beauty Industry

The beauty industry has always been associated with glamor, self-expression, and creativity. However, it is also known for its heavy reliance on resources, from water-intensive production processes to excessive packaging waste. 

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21 Jun

A Guide To Creating An Eco-friendly Home

Most people can agree that helping the environment is a process that can take time. People must take action to preserve resources like clean air, water, and wildlife for future generations, but where can they start?

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23 May

How Blue Biotechnology Benefits the Beauty Industry

In recent years, the beauty industry has significantly shifted towards sustainability and embraced natural product ingredients and packaging. Blue biotechnology, which focuses on utilizing marine organisms for various applications, has recently emerged as a promising, sustainable, and effective cosmetic ingredient source. From ingredients like algae to seaweed, marine-derived ingredients will increase in popularity in the beauty industry, and for a good reason. 

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